What is the GBP to TRY exchange rate today?
The pound to Turkish Lira exchange rate can be open to currency market volatility and as a result, its movements may be difficult to predict. A change in the GBP to TRY rate can significantly impact the value you receive when you send money to Turkey.
By monitoring the rate closely, you’ll remain aware of any market movements and will know the value of your payment when you convert pound sterling to Turkish Lira.
GBP to TRY Chart
What can affect the pound to lira rate?
The pound to lira rate can be affected by a variety of different factors, including economic, political and geopolitical developments. Results of elections and decisions made within the UK and Turkish parliaments can cause volatility in the markets.
In addition, the economic releases from both countries and the decisions made by leading financial institutions can have a significant impact. In particular, rising debt and a large deficit in Turkey led to devaluation of the lira in 2018. As a result, the GBP to TRY rate rose sharply.
Convert pounds to Turkish lira with great rates and low fees
You can set an exchange rate alert from your online account to target your preferred pound to lira rate. We’ll notify you via email or SMS if your rate is achieved, so you won’t miss out on your ideal rate.
In addition, you can enjoy no transfer fees, expert guidance and a wide range of FX tools to help you get the most out of your money when you convert pounds to Turkish lira.